59 8 Player Puds

star bne.pud
The Gold Centered Star

gold sep's east & west 2010.pud
Made By USA~Feature

Winter Commune

strife pball3(45 man)..pud
Made By: Smeagol-

Wheel 8 (c.) 1996 CompuSol

6) goldseparateseastwestobs.pud
Gold Seps East&West w/watchers

garden of war 96x.pud
Garden Of War 2.5 (96x96) -Q

strife pball(45 man) 2v6.pud
Made By: Smeagol-

ancient stonia.pud
Ancient Stonia 2.0 - Q

strife pball3(45 man).pud
Made By: Smeagol-