20 8 Player Puds

opposites attract bne.pud
Designed for 4 vs. 4 play

taiga bne.pud
Are the trees endless?

Eight Plots - Nowhere to Hide

high seas combat.pud
High seas combat

bridge to bridge combat.pud
Bridge to bridge combat

stir crazy bne.pud
These gardens sure are griddy!

Cross over

all you need bne.pud
Ready to get a little dirty?

Don't Use Computer Players!!

8) zones bne.pud
by -Nedro-

a continent to explore.pud
A continent to explore

fierce ocean combat.pud
Fierce ocean combat

garden of war.pud
Garden of war

Ally With Your Neighbor...

crosshair bne.pud
Don't be the target!

Too Cold For Dragons & Griffons

ice fortress bne.pud
Designed for 4 vs. 4 play

plains of snow.pud
Plains of snow

Island Battle

mud in your eye bne.pud
Down and dirty combat.